Time series anomaly detection - Canadian weather data
Ahmet Zamanis
This report will apply & compare several anomaly detection algorithms on a multivariate time series dataset of weather measurements. We’ll use numerous algorithms from the PyOD anomaly detection package, along with time series data formats & anomaly scoring wrappers from the Darts package. We’ll also implement a simple autoencoder using PyTorch Lightning. We’ll use several visualizations including 3D Plotly scatterplots to illustrate the results and unique outputs of each algorithm.
The data consists of daily mean temperature and total precipitation measurements across 13 Canadian locations, some ranging from 1940 to 2020, others starting from 1960. The data was downloaded from OpenML, shared by user Elif Ceren Gök.
The Python scripts for this analysis are available on the GitHub repository. They may not be fully up to date with the report.
# Set print optionsnp.set_printoptions(suppress=True, precision=4)pd.options.display.float_format ='{:.4f}'.formatpd.set_option('display.max_columns', None)# Set plotting optionsplt.rcParams['figure.dpi'] =150plt.rcParams["figure.autolayout"] =Truesns.set_style("darkgrid")px_width =800px_height =800# Set Torch settingstorch.set_default_dtype(torch.float32)torch.set_float32_matmul_precision('high')L.seed_everything(1923, workers =True)warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", ".*does not have many workers.*")
Data preparation
The data is in .arff format, and we’ll use the liac-arff package to read it. We have daily mean temperature and total precipitation values for each of the 13 locations.
# Load raw data from .arffraw_data = arff.load(open("./InputData/canadian_climate.arff", "r"))# Convert to Pandas dataframe & viewdf = pd.DataFrame( raw_data["data"], columns = [x[0] for x in raw_data["attributes"]])print(df.iloc[:,0:4])
To score anomalies, we need to compare the weather variables with the time variables: The same weather measurements can be perfectly normal or anomalous depending on the season. We are looking for local anomalies, not global.
To this end, we’ll extract month, week of year and day of year features from our date column.
We’ll use cyclical encoding to transform these categorical variables into numeric, while reflecting their cyclical nature to the algorithms we’ll use. This creates a pair of sine and cosine values for each time variable, resulting in a total of 8 variables per location.
# Convert LOCAL_DATE to datetimedf["LOCAL_DATE"] = pd.to_datetime(df["LOCAL_DATE"])# Add cyclic terms for month, week of year and day of yeardf["month_sin"] = np.sin(2* np.pi * df["LOCAL_DATE"].dt.month /12)df["month_cos"] = np.cos(2* np.pi * df["LOCAL_DATE"].dt.month /12)df["week_sin"] = np.sin(2* np.pi * df["LOCAL_DATE"].dt.isocalendar().week /53)df["week_cos"] = np.cos(2* np.pi * df["LOCAL_DATE"].dt.isocalendar().week /53)df["day_sin"] = np.sin(2* np.pi * df["LOCAL_DATE"].dt.dayofyear /366)df["day_cos"] = np.cos(2* np.pi * df["LOCAL_DATE"].dt.dayofyear /366)
We’ll focus our attention only on Ottawa, one of the locations that has data available from 1940. There are a few missing weather measurements across the time range, and we’ll interpolate them.
# Retrieve the weather data for Ottawa (1940 start) as Darts TimeSeriests_ottawa = TimeSeries.from_dataframe( df, time_col ="LOCAL_DATE", value_cols = ["MEAN_TEMPERATURE_OTTAWA", "TOTAL_PRECIPITATION_OTTAWA"], fill_missing_dates =True)# Interpolate missing valuesna_filler = MissingValuesFiller()ts_ottawa = na_filler.transform(ts_ottawa)
We don’t have any missing values for our time variables, as we created them from the dates.
We’ll split our data roughly in two: The anomaly scorers will be trained on data before 1980, and “tested” on data after 1980, though we can’t calculate any objective performance metrics, as we don’t have true anomaly labels to compare our models’ predictions with.
Most of the algorithms we’ll use are sensitive to features with differing value scales, so we’ll scale our features from -1 to 1. This is the value range for the cyclical encoded features, so they will be unchanged.
We’ll also create a Darts anomaly detector, with a high quantile threshold. It will take in the anomaly scores produced by the scorers, and flag the top Qth quantile as anomalies. It’s also possible to use a raw score threshold detector.
# Create Darts wrapper for MinMaxScalerfeature_range = (-1, 1) # The value range of cyclical encoded featuresscaler = Scaler(MinMaxScaler(feature_range = feature_range))# Create quantile detectorq =0.999# The detector will flag scores above this quantile as anomaliesdetector = QuantileDetector(high_quantile = q)
To shorten the code, we’ll use several functions to concisely train our models, anomaly score the data & create plots. These are available here.
K-means clustering
Our first anomaly scorer is based on the K-means clustering algorithm. K number of clusters are fit to the data, and anomaly scores for each observation are calculated based on the distance from the nearest cluster.
As an intuitive choice for the number of clusters, we’ll go with 12, one for each month of the year. Another decent choice is likely 4, one for each season.
The window parameter controls the number of observations that will be anomaly scored together. Since we’re interested in daily weather anomalies, we’ll use the default value of 1. For many time series anomaly detection tasks, larger windows will make more sense.
For example, when anomaly scoring data from frequent sensor readings, a single time step with unusual readings may not be very meaningful, but a sequence of unusual readings may indicate an issue.
In such a case, with window = N, Darts reformats the data so each row is a sequence of N time steps. Anomaly scoring is performed on each sequence instead of single observations.
We fit the anomaly scorer on the training period, and generate anomaly scores both for the training & testing periods.
# Create K-means scorerscorer_kmeans = KMeansScorer( window =1, # Score each time step by itself k =12, # Number of K-means clusters random_state =1923)# Perform anomaly scoringscores_train_kmeans, scores_test_kmeans, scores_kmeans = score( ts_train, ts_test, scorer_kmeans, scaler)
We pass the anomaly scores to our detector, and get binary anomaly labels.
Since we don’t have true anomaly labels, there are no performance metrics we can calculate. Instead, we’ll plot the anomaly scores along with the weather measurements.
From the plots above, it appears the K-means anomaly scores are highly related to the total precipitation values. A particular post-2000 day with very high precipitation stands out.
The overall anomaly scores and weather measurements don’t seem too different before and after 1980, though a few post-1980 days particularly stand out.
Next, we’ll plot the same variables, but this time we’ll color by anomaly labels. The black line will be the “normal” observations below the Qth quantile of anomaly scores, and the blue line will be those above the Qth quantile, the flagged anomalies.
# Detections plotplot_detection("K-means scores", q, ts_ottawa, scores_kmeans, anoms_kmeans)
We see the anomaly scores for the flagged observations are clearly and considerably higher than non-flagged ones, which is good. Ideally we want as much separation between the anomaly scores as possible to avoid false positives or false negatives. In other words, we want the lowest possible scores for normal observations, and the highest possible scores for actual anomalies.
The anomalies all have the highest observed precipitation values. Their temperature values are not unusual compared to the remaining observations, but they are generally on the higher side.
In summary, the K-means scorer identifies warm days with unusually high precipitation as anomalies.
Next, we’ll look at the anomaly score density plots for the training and testing periods, comparing their distributions.
# Plot distributions of anomaly scoresplot_dist("K-means scorer", scores_train_kmeans, scores_test_kmeans)
The scores for both periods are distributed similarly, though the post-1980 period does have a bit more of the higher-scored observations, and a bit less of the median-scored observations.
Next, we’ll plot all observations in a 3D scatterplot, with our weather variables and the month as our three dimensions. We’ll color the observations by their anomaly labels. The interactive plot can be moved around by clicking and holding, and zoomed with the mouse wheel.
# 3D anomalies plotplot_anom3d("K-means scorer", ts_ottawa, anoms_kmeans, px_width, px_height)
Here we see the majority of anomalies are summer days with high precipitation and usual temperatures. Some anomalies including the most extreme observation also belong to the fall months
We can also retrieve the fitted cluster labels from the K-means algorithm, and use them to color the observations in the same 3D scatterplot.
Show code for 3D clustering plot
# Clustering plottrain_labels = scorer_kmeans.model.labels_.astype(str)fig = px.scatter_3d( x = ts_train['MEAN_TEMPERATURE_OTTAWA'].univariate_values(), y = ts_train['TOTAL_PRECIPITATION_OTTAWA'].univariate_values(), z = ts_train.time_index.month, color = train_labels, title ="K-Means clustering plot, train set", labels = {"x": "Mean temperature","y": "Total precipitation","z": "Month","color": "Clusters"}, width = px_width, height = px_height)fig.show()
We see the K-means algorithm very clearly clusters the observations according to their months. The anomaly scores are then calculated as the distance from the closest cluster, so the most anomalous observations are the high-precipitation ones in summer.
Compared to the summer months, we don’t see such particularly distant observations in winter. That does not mean they couldn’t be considered anomalous or unusual for their respective months.
Gaussian mixture models (GMM)
The GMM approach assumes the data distribution consists of the combination of an N number of Gaussian distributions. These N distributions (mixture components) are learned from the fitted data. Anomaly scores are computed for observations based on their likelihoods, where a lower likelihood means a higher anomaly score.
In practice, this approach is fairly similar to K-means clustering. Just like the choice of K clusters in K-means, we’ll choose the number of Gaussian mixture components as a parameter.
We’ll go with n_components = 4, one for each season, just for variety against the previous approach of 12 cluster centroids.
GMM is trained with expectation maximization, so the solution is not deterministic, though convergence to a local solution is guaranteed. We’ll perform 10 initializations, and the best results will be kept.
Darts offers the PyODScorer time series wrapper for any algorithm in PyOD.
# Create PyOD GMM modelgmm = GMM( n_components =4, # N. of Gaussian mixture components n_init =10, # N. of initializations for expectation maximization contamination = (1- q), # Proportion of expected anomalies in the dataset random_state =1923)# Create Darts GMM scorer scorer_gmm = PyODScorer(model = gmm, window =1)
We’ll repeat pretty much the same anomaly detection & plotting code for each algorithm, illustrate the differences and comment on the outputs.
Show code for GMM anomaly detection
# Perform anomaly scoringscores_train_gmm, scores_test_gmm, scores_gmm = score( ts_train, ts_test, scorer_gmm, scaler)# Perform anomaly detectionanoms_train_gmm, anoms_test_gmm, anoms_gmm = detect( scores_train_gmm, scores_test_gmm, detector)# Plot scores & original seriesplot_series("GMM scorer", ts_train, ts_test, scores_train_gmm, scores_test_gmm)# Detections plotplot_detection("GMM scores", q, ts_ottawa, scores_gmm, anoms_gmm)# Plot distributions of anomaly scoresplot_dist("GMM scorer", scores_train_gmm, scores_test_gmm)# 3D anomalies plotplot_anom3d("GMM scorer", ts_ottawa, anoms_gmm, px_width, px_height)# 3D cluster plotlabels = scorer_gmm.model.detector_.predict( scaler.transform(ts_ottawa).values()).astype(str)fig = px.scatter_3d( x = ts_ottawa['MEAN_TEMPERATURE_OTTAWA'].univariate_values(), y = ts_ottawa['TOTAL_PRECIPITATION_OTTAWA'].univariate_values(), z = ts_ottawa.time_index.month, color = labels, title ="GMM clustering plot", labels = {"x": "Mean temperature","y": "Total precipitation","z": "Month","color": "Clusters"}, width = px_width, height = px_height)fig.show()
The GMM algorithm’s outputs are similar to K-means in some respects.
The differences between scores for anomalous and non-anomalous observations appear to be even larger in magnitude, which is good. The most unusual observation after year 2000 stands out even more compared to other observations.
We could say the GMM anomalies are a bit colder & less rainy overall.
The score distributions of train & test periods are even more similar, and are very right-skewed. While it may be easier to identify individual anomalies, the overall comparison of score distributions across periods may be less meaningful.
Unlike K-means, we now have a few anomalies in all months of the year, including winter months. This is likely because the scoring is now based on 4 mixture components (seasons) instead of 12 clusters (months).
For example, it’s possible the anomalies in February are flagged because they are compared with the same mixture component as observations from January. In contrast, they were likely just compared with the “February cluster” in K-means, and appeared relatively non-anomalous.
If we were interested in seasonal anomalies, this approach could be preferable, and for monthly anomalies K-means could be preferable (or, either approach could be fit with either number of components / clusters).
We do not have a strict definition of an anomaly, or true anomaly labels to compare our results with, so either method could be preferred based on the use case.
The fitted mixture components correspond to each season, as can be seen in the 3D clustering plot. Only the most extreme observation, which is in September, is attributed to the summer component.
ECOD is a fairly simple and efficient anomaly detection method which relies on empirical cumulative distribution functions. Let’s make a few definitions to understand how.
For a value \(x\), drawn from a random variable \(X\), the cumulative distribution function \(f(x)\) is the cumulative sum of the probability density functions for values \(<=x\). This also corresponds to the probability that \(X <= x\).
The empirical CDF is a step function derived from an empirical sample measurement of \(X\).
ECOD estimates a non-parametric eCDF from each dimension (feature) in the training data.
Tail probabilities are also estimated for each dimension. For each observation, the tail probabilities are used to calculate a dimensional anomaly score. These are then aggregated.
The underlying assumption is that anomalous values will lie at the tails of the eCDFs.
ECOD is simple & efficient, with no parameters to choose. However, I believe the nature of the algorithm should not be able to capture the interactions in our multivariate time series.
For example, when evaluated alone, the temperature and precipitation values for a day could be normal compared to the entire distribution for each feature. But their combination, along with the observation date, could make them anomalies.
Indeed, we see the anomaly scores for the flagged anomalies are fairly close to the non-anomalous observations. The particularly extreme post-2000 observation is not even assigned a very high score.
The flagged anomalies have temperature and precipitation values all over the value range.
The anomaly score distributions are considerably less right-skewed compared to previous algorithms, as ECOD does not attribute particularly high scores to any observation.
Looking at the 3D anomalies plot, ECOD still flags some of the very rainy summer & fall observations, but misses quite a few. There are also numerous flagged observations that seem fairly normal, especially in December.
Of course, another factor is the quantile we use for the detection threshold. With an even higher quantile, we could end up with only a few meaningful anomalies in the summer and fall months.
We can explain each training point’s anomaly scoring with a dimensional outlier score plot. We’ll view the plot for the highest precipitation day in the training data, which was assigned the highest training anomaly score by the previous algorithms.
# Special to ECOD scorer: Explain a single training point's outlier scoringidx_max_precip = np.argmax( ts_train['TOTAL_PRECIPITATION_OTTAWA'].univariate_values())scorer_ecod.model.explain_outlier( ind = idx_max_precip, # Index of point to explain columns = [0, 1, 2, 3], # Dimensions to explain feature_names = ["MeanTemp", "TotalPrecip", "MonthSin", "MonthCos"])
We see the precipitation value for this observation is assigned a higher than 0.999th quantile anomaly score, while the temperature anomaly score is fairly low.
As stated before, I believe the ECOD algorithm is not very suitable to this task, as I don’t think it takes the interactions between weather and time features into account. The scores for each feature are simply aggregated.
The dimensional anomaly scores for the time features are meaningless and potentially misleading when aggregated, as it’s not possible to observe “anomalous” values for these. They are simply an encoding of the observation date, and are meant to interact with the weather measurements rather than be evaluated alone.
Principal components analysis (PCA)
PCA is mainly used as a dimensionality reduction method: Given an N number of features, it outputs N principal components that aim to capture as much of the data variance as possible, with the fewest number of uncorrelated components.
PCA constructs a hyperplane of eigenvectors from the input features. Anomaly scores can be computed based on the distances of each observation from this hyperplane.
Instead of scaling our features between -1 and 1, we’ll use the standardization = True argument to center the data around a zero mean and scale it to unit variance.
Similar to the K-means approach, the PCA anomaly scorer flags warm days that are unusually rainy as anomalies.
The differences between scores for anomalous and non-anomalous observations are large.
Looking at the 3D anomalies plot, the PCA scorer restricts anomaly flags mostly to summer days, and some fall days.
Similar to the GMM scorer, the anomaly score distributions are very right-skewed.
Principal components plots & T-SNE
PCA is mainly used as a dimensionality reduction & feature selection method, and we can extract quite a bit more intuition from it. We’ll start by printing the variances explained by each principal component.
# Variances explained by each componentpc_variances = scorer_pca.model.explained_variance_ratio_ *100pc_variances = [round(x, 2) for x in pc_variances]pc_variances
Only the first 3 PCs explain roughly 98% of the variance in our data. This is not surprising as 6 of our 8 input features are different encodings of time, highly correlated with one another. We can think of our problem as three dimensional: Temperature, precipitation and time / season.
Using a heatplot, we can examine the PC loadings: How much each input feature contributes to each PC.
Show code to generate PC loadings heatplot
# Heatplot of PC loadings, X = PCs, Y = Features's contribution to the PCspc_loadings = pd.DataFrame( scorer_pca.model.components_.T, columns = pc_variances, index = ts_ottawa.components)_ = sns.heatmap(pc_loadings, cmap ="PiYG")_ = plt.title("PC loadings")_ = plt.xlabel("% variances explained by PCs")_ = plt.ylabel("Features")plt.show()plt.close("all")
We see PC1 is mostly contributed to by temperature & time values. PC2 mostly captures information from the time values, while PC3 and PC4 are dominated by precipitation and temperature values respectively.
We can plot the PCs in 3D scatterplots, three at a time, and color the observations by anomaly label.
Show code to generate 3D PC plots
# Transform data into PC valuespc_train = scorer_pca.model.detector_.transform( scorer_pca.model.scaler_.transform(ts_train.values()) )pc_test = scorer_pca.model.detector_.transform( scorer_pca.model.scaler_.transform(ts_test.values()))pcs = np.concatenate((pc_train, pc_test), axis =0)# Principal components plot, first 3 PCs fig = px.scatter_3d( x = pcs[:, 0], y = pcs[:, 1], z = pcs[:, 2], color = anoms_pca.univariate_values().astype(str), title ="PCA components plot, first 3 PCs", labels = {"x": "PC1","y": "PC2","z": "PC3","color": "Anomaly labels"}, width = px_width, height = px_height)fig.show()# Principal components plot, PC3-4-5fig = px.scatter_3d( x = pcs[:, 4], y = pcs[:, 3], z = pcs[:, 2], color = anoms_pca.univariate_values().astype(str), title ="PCA components plot, middle 3 PCs", labels = {"x": "PC5","y": "PC4","z": "PC3","color": "Anomaly labels"}, width = px_width, height = px_height)fig.show()# Principal components plot, last 3 PCsfig = px.scatter_3d( x = pcs[:, -1], y = pcs[:, -2], z = pcs[:, -3], color = anoms_pca.univariate_values().astype(str), title ="PCA components plot, last 3 PCs", labels = {"x": "PC6","y": "PC7","z": "PC8","color": "Anomaly labels"}, width = px_width, height = px_height)fig.show()
Looking at the first plot for PCs 1-3, we can clearly see the temporal structure of the data represented in just 3 dimensions.
Each of the pillar-like, distinct clusters of observations in the plot likely represent one month of the year.
The circular shape is due to the cyclical nature of the time variables, such as months or days in a year. We could say the temperature values, which contribute mainly to PC1, also have a cyclical nature.
We can see anomalies exclusively belong to certain clusters, i.e. certain months.
The most discriminative dimension when it comes to separating anomalies from normal observations is PC3, which almost exclusively reflects the precipitation dimension.
Similarly in the second plot for PCs 3-5, we see PC3 is the most discriminative dimension. We also see the anomalies are constrained to a certain range in the PC4 dimension, which is made up by the temperature & time values.
The third plot, for PCs 6-8, seems to show these PCs are not very useful (at least by themselves) in separating anomalies from normal observations. Since these PCs seem to have no contribution from the weather features, the shapes are likely not meaningful.
One more thing we can do is apply T-SNE to the PCs, and reduce them further to only 3 dimensions.
T-SNE stands for t-distributed stochastic neighbor embedding. It is a non-linear dimensionality reduction method that usually outputs 2 or 3 dimensions for data visualization purposes.
The algorithm finds the similarities of each pair of observations, over all dimensions, and converts them to joint probabilities in a Gaussian distribution. Similar pairs have a higher probability, and vice versa.
Then the same is done for values in the embedded (2D or 3D) space, but assuming a heavy-tailed Student’s t-distribution. The algorithm then tries to minimize the difference between the two joint probabilities.
T-SNE is computationally expensive, non-deterministic, and has some parameters that may greatly affect the solution. For high-dimensional data, it’s suggested to first apply PCA (or another dimensionality reduction method) before applying T-SNE.
There are several potential pitfalls to the T-SNE algorithm, which are explained well here.
In short, it’s a good idea to perform & plot T-SNE with several different values for the perplexity parameter, as it can greatly affect the outcome, and result in meaningless shapes if the perplexity is not suitable for the data.
Perplexity can be thought of as a “number of nearest neighbors” parameter. Generally a value between 5 and 50 is suggested, with larger and denser datasets requiring higher values.
We’ll also run many iterations of the optimization algorithm to ensure we have a good solution. See the helper functions script for details on the T-SNE parameters & code.
The T-SNE reductions result in interesting figures. It seems a perplexity of 30 or higher is more suitable to our data, as lower values tend to result in less-separated blobs.
It looks like there are many smaller clusters of observations, some of them circular, others line-shaped. These likely represent time sequences of particular lengths.The flagged anomalies are at the very center of the figure (try zooming in).
Keep in mind that the sizes and distances of clusters may be misleading. The T-SNE algorithm tends to expand dense clusters and contract smaller ones, while a single perplexity value may not be suitable to capture the distances between all clusters.
Isolation forest
The IForest algorithm is based on the premise that isolating an anomalous data point is easier than isolating normal points.
For each datapoint, a random feature is selected, and a random split value is selected between the minimum and maximum for the feature. This is repeated until the datapoint is isolated from all other datapoints with different values. This process can be represented as a decision tree.
The shorter the “isolation tree path”, the more anomalous the datapoint is. The final anomaly scores are averaged from a forest of such trees. We’ll build 500 trees instead of the default 100.
By default, the IForest algorithm will sample 256 datapoints to build each tree in the forest (or use all datapoints if there are less than 256).
We won’t sample features per tree, as we want the time variables to always interact with the measurement variables.
# Create IForest scoreriforest = IForest( n_estimators=500, # N. of trees in forest contamination = (1- q), random_state =1923)scorer_iforest = PyODScorer(model = iforest, window =1)
Compared to normal observations, the IForest anomaly scorer does not assign much higher scores to anomalous points. The anomalous points are still on the warmer and more rainy side, but less so compared to K-means and GMM anomalies.
Interestingly, the post-2000 day with the highest precipitation is not flagged as an anomaly.
Somewhat similar to ECOD, IForest seems to flag anomalies all over the year, some of them fairly questionable. It also flags some points as anomalies while missing other close points that appear even more anomalous.
This suggests the randomness in the algorithm is not very suitable for finding interactions between variables, though it’s better than ECOD.
The score distributions are less right-skewed, again similar to ECOD. The post-1980 score distribution is a bit higher.
Similar to other tree-based models, we are able to extract feature importance scores from the trained IForest model.
Keep in mind these scores evaluate each feature’s importance by itself. In our case, the particular combinations of feature values are more important.
The IForest documentation also states that the importance values for high-cardinality features can be misleading, such as for our day of year features.
Show code to plot IForest feature importances
# Feature importances (can be misleading for high cardinality features, e.g. day# and week features)feat_imp = pd.DataFrame({"Feature importance": scorer_iforest.model.feature_importances_,"Feature": ts_ottawa.components}).sort_values("Feature importance", ascending =False)_ = sns.barplot(data = feat_imp, x ="Feature importance", y ="Feature")plt.show()plt.close("all")
Looking at these feature importance scores, it’s possible the IForest algorithm made its decisions mostly by looking at the temperature & day of year values. This would explain why some high-precipitation anomalies are missed
Autoencoder with PyTorch Lightning
The last anomaly scorer we’ll use is an autoencoder. Put simply, an autoencoder is a neural network that takes in an N number of inputs, compresses them into fewer dimensions than N, and uses the compressed representation to reconstruct the original N inputs.
The network starts with an encoder structure: Layers which compress the inputs into fewer dimensions. This compressed representation is called the latent space.
The layers may get progressively smaller as the inputs progress through the network, enforcing a bottleneck to arrive at the latent space.
The latent space representation is fed into the decoder structure: Layers which expand the latent space back into a reconstruction of the original inputs.
Usually, the encoder and decoder are symmetrical in terms of architecture.
The autoencoder architectures are used in tasks such as dimensionality reduction, denoising data or anomaly detection. In our case, the anomaly scores will simply be the reconstruction error for each datapoint: The higher the reconstruction error, the more anomalous a datapoint is.
The assumption is that normal observations can easily be reconstructed from the latent space, while anomalous observations will be harder to reconstruct.
PyOD does implement several autoencoders, mainly in Keras, and also in PyTorch. However, I wanted to implement one from scratch in PyTorch Lightning, especially because the PyOD one does not offer the option to retrieve the latent space representations. We will use the latent space for visualization, just like we did with principal components.
We’ll build a fairly simple autoencoder, with two layers each in the encoder and decoder. See the Lightning classes script for more details on the architecture and code.
The tradeoff between overfitting and underfitting is also relevant in autoencoders: We want to accurately reconstruct inputs, but we don’t want to memorize them without learning a useful latent space representation.
We’ll handle this tradeoff by simply forcing a bottleneck in the network. We previously saw almost all of the variance in our data can be compressed into 3 principal components, so we’ll reduce our 8 inputs into 3 latent space dimensions.
This also allows us to plot the entire latent space without having to apply T-SNE.
In my previous experiments, a larger latent space did not result in much lower reconstruction errors on the testing dataset.
There are other, more sophisticated architectures that handle this problem differently, mainly by including regularization terms in the loss function. Here is a good article that illustrates some of them.
Hyperparameter tuning
I previously tuned the learning rate, learning rate decay and dropout hyperparameters, using the Optuna framework. We’ll load the saved best tune from this run. See the code & comments below for details.
Show code to tune Autoencoder hyperparameters
# Split train - val dataval_start = pd.Timestamp("1970-01-01")train_end = pd.Timestamp("1969-12-31")ts_tr = ts_train.drop_after(val_start)ts_val = ts_train.drop_before(train_end)# Perform preprocessing for train - validation splitx_tr = std_scaler.fit_transform(ts_tr.values())x_val = std_scaler.transform(ts_val.values())# Load data into TrainDatasettrain_data = TrainDataset(x_tr)val_data = TrainDataset(x_val)# Create data loaderstrain_loader = torch.utils.data.DataLoader( train_data, batch_size =128, num_workers =0, shuffle =True)val_loader = torch.utils.data.DataLoader( val_data, batch_size =len(ts_val), num_workers =0, shuffle =False)# Define Optuna objectivedef objective_nn(trial, train_loader, val_loader):# Define parameter ranges to tune over & suggest param set for trial learning_rate = trial.suggest_float("learning_rate", 5e-4, 5e-2) lr_decay = trial.suggest_float("lr_decay", 0.9, 1) dropout = trial.suggest_float("dropout", 1e-4, 0.2)# Create hyperparameters dict hyperparams_dict = {"input_size": ts_train.values().shape[1],"learning_rate": learning_rate,"lr_decay": lr_decay,"dropout": dropout }# Validate hyperparameter set score, epoch = validate_nn(hyperparams_dict, train_loader, val_loader, trial)# Report best n. of epochs trial.set_user_attr("n_epochs", epoch)return score# Create studystudy_nn = optuna.create_study( sampler = optuna.samplers.TPESampler(seed =1923), pruner = optuna.pruners.HyperbandPruner(), study_name ="tune_nn", direction ="minimize")# Instantiate objectiveobj =lambda trial: objective_nn(trial, train_loader, val_loader)# Optimize studystudy_nn.optimize(obj, n_trials =500, show_progress_bar =True)# Retrieve and export trialstrials_nn = study_nn.trials_dataframe().sort_values("value", ascending =True)trials_nn.to_csv("./OutputData/trials_nnX.csv", index =False)
Anomaly detection
We’ll train the model on the pre-1980 data, and use it to reconstruct both pre-1980 and post-1980 observations.
Show code to train & predict with Autoencoder model
We’ll compute the reconstruction error for each training & testing datapoint as the mean absolute error over all input dimensions. This metric will serve as our anomaly score.
Show code to get reconstruction errors
# Perform anomaly scoring: Get mean reconstruction error for each datapoint# Train setscores_train = np.abs(x_train - preds_train) # Absolute errors of each dimensionscores_train = np.mean(scores_train, axis =1) # Mean absolute error over all dimensionsscores_train = pd.DataFrame(scores_train, index = ts_train.time_index) # Dataframe with corresponding datesscores_train = TimeSeries.from_dataframe(scores_train) # Darts TSscores_train = scores_train.with_columns_renamed("0", "Scores")# Test setscores_test = np.abs(x_test - preds_test)scores_test = np.mean(scores_test, axis =1) scores_test = pd.DataFrame(scores_test, index = ts_test.time_index)scores_test = TimeSeries.from_dataframe(scores_test)scores_test = scores_test.with_columns_renamed("0", "Scores")scores = scores_train.append(scores_test)
The Autoencoder anomaly detection results are interesting.
Some anomalies are hot & dry spring days, others are cold & moderately rainy fall days. Out of the warm & rainy days flagged by most previous methods, only the most extreme observation with very high precipitation is flagged.
The scores themselves are generally fairly discriminative between anomalies and normal observations. The score distributions are fairly close to normal with a bit of right tail, and not heavily right-skewed like some of the previous scorers.
Latent space plot
The latent space learned by our autoencoder has 3 dimensions, so we can directly create a 3D plot.
Show code to generate 3D latent space plot
# Define function to get latent space representationsdef get_latent(model, dataloader): model.eval() # Put model into inference modewith torch.no_grad(): # Disable gradient calculation# Retrieve & return latent space for each datapoint z = [model.forward(x) for _, x inenumerate(dataloader)]return z[0].cpu().numpy().astype(np.float64)# Retrieve latent space representationsz_train = get_latent(model, train_score_loader)z_test = get_latent(model, test_loader)z = np.concatenate((z_train, z_test), axis =0)# Plot latent space representationsfig = px.scatter_3d( x = z[:, 0], y = z[:, 2], z = z[:, 1], color = anoms.univariate_values().astype(str), title ="Latent space plot", labels = {"x": "Dim1","y": "Dim2","z": "Dim3","color": "Anomaly labels"}, width = px_width, height = px_height)fig.show()
The latent space shape is not too different from the plot of PCs 1-3. We again have pillars of clusters organized in a circular fashion, representing the temporal structure in the data. This time, the entire structure is “tilted” roughly 45 degrees.
The most extreme datapoint with very high precipitation is much farther away from the data. The remaining anomalies however, are all part of the circular structure, though some of them are at the edges of their respective pillars.
It’s interesting how the flagged anomalies, and therefore the anomaly scores are quite different from the PCA approach, while the shapes created by both are similar. This is probably because the neural network is able to learn non-linear relationships, while PCA is a linear method.
It’s hard to say which set of anomaly flags are actually closer to being anomalies.
On one hand, the warm & rainy summer days flagged by PCA are more distant from the center of the data. On the other hand, there are quite a few of them, so they may not be that anomalous after all.
In contrast, some of the anomalies flagged by the autoencoder may be more “locally anomalous”, as they are at the tails of their respective months’ distributions.
We tested several different anomaly detection methods, from simpler approaches like ECOD, to an autoencoder neural network.
Some methods exclusively flagged warm & unusually rainy days, mostly in summer & fall as anomalies. Others flagged some observations with fairly usual precipitation values combined with locally extreme temperatures. It’s debatable how anomalous either type of points really are.
Some of the less suitable methods like ECOD flagged quite a few apparently normal days as anomalies. This is likely because they couldn’t account for the interactions between variables properly.
Another factor is the detection threshold we used: Unless we have clear definitions of an anomaly and labeled data, the quality of our anomaly scores and detection thresholds are subjective.
We used a simple quantile threshold to flag observations as anomalies. This approach will always flag some of the top scoring observations as anomalies, even if their scores are actually very close to the rest of the observations. In many cases, we may want to use a value-based threshold.
If we have true anomaly labels, we can calculate classification metrics such as accuracy, precision & recall, and tune our approach accordingly, including the detection threshold.
Depending on the use case, we can also anomaly score sequences instead of single observations.