Data science portfolio - Ahmet Zamanis


Hello, I am a freelance data scientist, and this is a portfolio of my personal projects.

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Deep learning time series forecasting - Türkiye energy consumption data (April 2024)

Link to report, Link to GitHub repository, Docker deployment instructions
Multi-horizon time series forecasting on a large dataset of hourly energy consumption values. Implementing a stateful LSTM model and an Inverted Transformer model using PyTorch Lightning, drawing inspiration from multiple existing architectures & making some modifications. Tuning hyperparameters with Optuna, generating forecast intervals with quantile regression, visualizing & comparing predictive performances. Transformer model deployment using Docker, with CUDA GPU support.

Time series classification - Canadian weather data (August 2023)

Link to report, Link to GitHub repository
Multivariate time series classification using sktime and pyts: kNN with DTW distance, ROCKET & Arsenal, WEASELMUSE and a PyTorch Lightning convolutional neural network trained on image transformed data. Visualizing & comparing the performances of all algorithms.

Time series anomaly detection - Canadian weather data (August 2023)

Link to report, Link to GitHub repository
Multivariate time series anomaly detection using PyOD algorithms & the Darts package: K-means clustering, Gaussian Mixture Models, ECOD, Isolation Forest and an Autoencoder with PyTorchLightning. Visualizing & comparing the results with multiple plots, including 3D interactive Plotly scatterplots.

Deep learning imbalanced classification - Used cars “kicks” problem (May 2023)

Link to report, Link to GitHub repository
Imbalanced binary classification with scikit-learn and PyTorch Lightning, on a large dataset of used cars. Comparing logistic regression, SVM and XGBoost trained with class weights, with a neural network trained with focal loss. Performing hyperparameter optimization with Optuna. Assessing model performances with classification metrics & a sensitivity analysis based on a business scenario.

Time series regression - Store sales forecasting Kaggle competition (March 2023)

Link to report, part 1 \ Link to report, part 2 \ Link to GitHub repository \ Link to Kaggle notebook
Time series regression modeling on a dataset of supermarket sales across years, with the Darts library in Python. Performing time decomposition & hybrid modeling, trying statistical methods such as linear regression, AutoARIMA and STL, as well as time series forecasting global neural networks / deep learning models. Best score: 0.42505 RMSLE, placing 61th out of 612 (top 10%) in the leaderboard at submission time (March 2023).

Kaggle Competition - House Prices Regression (2022)

Link to report, Link to GitHub repository
Feature engineering, MRMR feature selection and XGBoost modeling for the Kaggle House Prices Regression competition. Best submission score (September 2022): 0.12143 RMSLE, 271th place, top 8%.

Imbalanced classification - Loan requests analysis (2022)

Link to report, Link to GitHub repository
Imbalanced classification modeling with loan requests dataset. Hyperparameter tuning, performance benchmarking and performance metrics interpretation with the mlr3 package in R.

Generalized Additive Models - Concrete Strength Analysis (2022)

Link to report, Link to GitHub repository
Predicting concrete compressive strength using GAM regression, as a non-linear function of the mixture components. Visualization of the results with 3D interactive Plotly plots.

Bayesian Linear Regression - Used car prices analysis (2022)

Link to report, Link to GitHub repository
Predicting used car prices using Bayesian Linear Regression, visualizing results and comparing with OLS regression.

Clustering analysis - Country statistics (2022)

Link to report, Link to GitHub repository
Non-hierarchical k-medoids clustering on a dataset of country statistics.

Classification - Airline satisfaction analysis (2022)

Link to report, Link to GitHub repository
Classification modeling on a large dataset of airline passenger satisfaction, using logistic regression, decision trees and random forests.

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